Thursday, March 4, 2010

The beginning was the end

So, as many of you know, I'm not so good at staying in touch with people. Similarly, it turns out that I'm not so good at keeping up with a blog. It became a chore that I clearly just avoided. However, it is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so I encourage you to check out my pictures (also under "My Photos" over to the right on this page) as they are actually updated and clearly say it better than I can. The case still remains that if you want to get in touch with me Facebook, e-mail, or Skype are the best ways to do so. Of course, I love and miss you all but in the mean time things are going swimmingly in China, so well that I can't be bothered to write in a blog.
To start off these pages will be about my time living, working, teaching, and traveling in China. As is always the case, things may change, so check back in often. Also please feel free to forward my blog to others that might not have the address yet.
You can also check out my photos under my list of sites. If you want to respond to a post you can leave a comment or e-mail me. Also if you want my mailing address e-mail me and I can send it to you!

Where is Qufu?