Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Starting from here

Ok, so I'm going to start with an introduction to what this is all about. As you should probably know by now, I am going to be teaching English in China. I'll be in a city called Qufu which is about 650,000 people. I'll be teaching at Qufu Teachers University and a lot of my students are in school to become English teachers themselves. I don't know what courses I'll be teaching yet but typically the classes are 30-50 students and I'll probably be teaching 4 courses per semester. I can also take courses at the University for free as long as they don't conflict with my teaching schedule. I also have my own apartment, which as many of you know, is something that I am extremely excited about. It's on campus and will be in a building with other internationals. I have heat and AC, hot water, bottled water delivered, and internet so I should be all set up once I get there.

I leave August 25th and fly to Beijing and from there will head south to Qufu. I then start teaching a few weeks after that. I have a long break for Chinese New Year in January and February where I plan to travel around China as much as possible. I'm starting to get more and more excited about going but also anxious to try to figure things out. As always, we'll see how that pans out. I'll post again once I'm there and have everything set up!

1 comment:

  1. i'm so excited for you. update this blog frequently. have fun. tell me if you see my cousins.



To start off these pages will be about my time living, working, teaching, and traveling in China. As is always the case, things may change, so check back in often. Also please feel free to forward my blog to others that might not have the address yet.
You can also check out my photos under my list of sites. If you want to respond to a post you can leave a comment or e-mail me. Also if you want my mailing address e-mail me and I can send it to you!

Where is Qufu?